Dill Cucumber Sandwich

Dill Cucumber Sandwich 

By: Spoon Fork Spice

Prep Time: 10 Minutes 
Serving Size: 4 (2 sandwiches ea.)


So easy to assemble and even easier to devour.


  • 8 Slices of White Bread
  • 1 Package Whipped Cream Cheese (8oz will work)
  • 1 Large English Cucumber
  • 2 Sprigs Dill
  • Fresh Ground Black Pepper

1.) Cut the edges off your slices of bread and cut your bread in half (hamburger style).
2.) Peel the skin off your cucumber and thinly slice.
3.) Evenly spread cream cheese over a slice of bread. Add a smidge of black pepper and spinkle with dill. Next evenly top with 6 slices of cucumber and add another slice of bread on top to close/finish sandwich.
4.) Enjoy with tea or for brunch or whenever you like honestly!